
Lets Talk with Citylets is your podcast channel dedicated to all things around the world of lettings - investment, legislation, rights & responsibilities, your stories and more. New episodes featuring industry experts, tenants, landlords and voices from over the world of lettings are available fortnightly.

Lets Talk is brought to you by Citylets in association with ARLA Propertymark Scotland.

You can also subscribe to the podcasts via iTunes, Spotify and Soundcloud.

The Importance of a Detailed Inventory at the Start of a Tenancy, with Pinstripe Inventories

Episode 71 features Operations Director of Pinstripe Inventories, Matthew Mackay, talking about the history of the organisation, the introduction of tenancy deposit schemes and the importance of having a detailed inventory in place at the start of the tenancy to avoid deposit disputes or even an adjudication. Matthew also chats about how much software has changed since they were first established in 2009 and explains about the software he helped develop to ensure swift but thorough recordings of properties.

Barriers and Challenges Faced by Deaf Tenants in the Private Rented Sector, with Steven Cafferty

Steven Cafferty from Deaf Action joins Lets Talk for episode 70 to discuss the barriers and challenges that hard of hearing and deaf people face when looking for a property to rent and then living in the property itself. Steven explains about Deaf Action’s new service, Safe and Sound, which is designed to help Scottish landlords and tenants. Steven also chats about his successful golf career and the worldwide championships he has won.

The Challenges of Scotland’s Build to Rent Movement with Will Scarlett

Episode 69 hears Founder and Director of Scarlett Land and Development, Will Scarlett, discuss the Build to Rent (BTR) movement in Scotland and the challenges it faces relative to the rest of the UK. Will shares his views on the opportunities for institutional investors in Scotland.

Conservative MSP, Miles Briggs, Raises Concerns over Emergency Legislation Aimed to Protect Tenants

Episode 68 features Conservative MSP, Miles Briggs, discussing his views of the Cost of Living (Tenant Protection)(Scotland) Act 2022 and his concerns over the counterproductive and damaging effects it could have on tenants in the long run. Briggs talks about the ramifications the Act has on investment for Scottish rented housing and also future supply.

The Effects of the Emergency Legislation on Rural Communities, with Anna Gardiner of SLE

Episode 67 features Scottish Land and Estates’, Policy Advisor for Rural Property, Anna Gardiner. Anna discusses the challenges of rural private rented tenancies and the concerns of recent emergency tenant protection legislation on rural housing, including landlord affordability, energy efficiency, empty homes and potential long term effects on tenants themselves.

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