TO BOOK A VIEWING VISIT OUR WEBSITE DIRECTLY TO USE OUR ONLINE BOOKING SYSTEM Video Tour - [edited hyperlink]Spacious one bedroom fully furnished flat situated close to Baxter Park and 15mins walk from Dundee City Centre with all its amenities. The property comprises of lounge, kitchen, double bedroom with built-in wardrobe and bathroom. The property is top floor and has electric heating.AVAILABLE AUG 24Landlord Registration Number - 39358/180/23120Rockford Registration 92943/180/04420Rockford`s Scottish Letting Agent Registration - LARN1808006EPC - F**** Disclaimer: Rockford Properties Ltd strive to present the most recent, accurate, and reliable information on our website; external advertising sources; documentation, and/or otherwise. Please note that all advertising media, including, but not limited to, photographs, videos and floor plans are a typical representation of the condition of the property, and its contents, when being used for the purposes of an agreement for let, under the Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016, as an individual`s only or principal home where they are ordinarily resident. Please note that any media used in our advertising and/or otherwise, may include items of furniture and fittings, which belong to the occupant(s) of the property being advertised and may not be provided as part of the tenancy. All items, and the condition of each item, which are included in the tenancy of any property, will be detailed in the property inventory prior to the signing of any lease, which should be a true and accurate reflection of that item(s) and its condition. ****