Category: Legislation

Compulsory Owners’ Associations

Managing and maintaining a tenement building requires co-operation from multiple owners. This can be tricky, especially in buildings with mixed ownership, such as landlords and owner-occupiers. However, having an owners’ association, a formal arrangement between the owners, complete with a constitution, and agreed rules and procedures, can make it much easier. Photo credit: © Startup …


‘Very little’ Being Done to Address Scotland’s Rental Housing Shortage – Propertymark  

Scotland’s Housing Bill ‘does very little to increase the supply of private rented homes’, Propertymark argues. The Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee are currently examining the Bill and have asked for views on the legislation. It consists of proposals for long-term rent controls, new rights to retain pets and decorate properties, and enhanced safeguards …


Scotland’s Housing Emergency – What Happens Next?

For the Scottish Government, declaring a housing emergency was perhaps inevitable, with local authority after local authority finding themselves with no other option but to declare that they could not meet their housing obligations, and more still declaring this after the Government’s announcement. But what to do now? That seems to be the question on …


Housing Bill (Part 2)

Following on from last month’s blog on the proposed rent control provisions in the Housing Bill, this month’s blog looks at the some of the other aspects in the Bill that directly affect the Private Rented Sector. The order they appear, follows the order they appear in the Bill rather than any particular order of …


Domestic abuse – An Issue for the Whole Rented Sector

Whilst John Swinney settles into his post as First Minister, many in the housing sector consider how they can reset relations with the SNP government, and what the new administration will do with the contested Housing Bill, there remains one area within the proposed new statute that should be scaled up, rather than scaled back. …


Tenement Law: Compulsory Owner’s Associations

The Scottish Law Commission recently published a discussion paper containing provisional proposals for the introduction of owners’ associations. The paper runs to over 200 pages and follows a recommendation in 2018 that establishing owners associations could help improve the condition of tenements throughout Scotland. Landlords should note that a ‘tenement’ includes any building made up …

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