Lets Talk hears episode 63 cover the topic of shared repairs within tenements and housing blocks. The City of Edinburgh Council recruited Novoville as part of the Scottish Government ‘CivTech programme’ for the specific purpose of solving the challenges faced when dealing with maintenance issues in shared areas.

Described as a ‘game changer’, the app integrates all required areas of the end to end process to remove the stress and complication that is often involved with shared repairs.

Louis Daillencourt explains how the app benefits not only home owners but a variety of professional organisations, and also ensures that the repairs are being carried out in accordance with local rules and regulations.

‘Fix your home without leaving your home’

Louis also chats about how easy the app is to use and that the system can operate even if only one person in the stairwell has set it up. He explains the step by step process, from setting it up, sourcing trades people to payment – it literally enables the owners to fix their home without leaving their home.

Louis and Lets Talk host, Gillian Semmler, also discuss how the app can be used for general maintenance purposes, even when a repair is not required, and the benefits and value this can add when buying or selling a property within a shared building.

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