Tackling the Student Problem

 It never rains but it pours, probably quite an apt quote for today’s housing sector in Scotland. There has been a welter of negative stories recently with various local authorities declaring housing emergencies, a savage near £200 million budget cut for the Affordable Housing Supply Programme, reports showing 93,000 homes are now lying empty in …


New Term, New Challenge

The past couple of academic years have not got off to the most straightforward of starts. In 2020 there had already been uncertainty about how university and college learning would be delivered in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, when the autumn brought a halt to Scotland’s emergence from lockdown and the reintroduction of restrictions. …


Student Lets Notice Period

Agents, landlords and tenants alike will remember the vast number of legislative provisions introduced in 2020 at the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic, which included provisions enabling certain student renters to terminate their tenancies with only 28 days’ notice. As Covid restrictions ease and we move back towards ‘normal’, the legislation is once again changing. …


Everything You Need to Know about Investing in a Student Let

Despite the Coronavirus pandemic affecting much of regular life over the past few years, one thing that has remained consistent is the numbers of students attending university and other higher education institutions. In fact, in the last academic year (2020/21), there were over 2.6 million students in higher education across the UK, many of whom …


Students – Edinburgh Has it All without Costing the Earth!

“Edinburgh isn’t so much as a city, more of a way of life… I doubt I’ll ever tire of exploring Edinburgh, on foot or in print.” Ian Rankin, author of Edinburgh Inspector Rebus. “The most beautiful of all capitals of Europe.” Sir John Betjeman, Poet Laureate of United Kingdom, 1972 to 1984. Edinburgh is home …


Growing Appetite for Student Accommodation

The student property market in the UK continues to flourish as weakening Sterling is adding appeal to both international students and large scale investors. Real Estate advisor CBRE, compiled a report identifying the biggest trends in the student housing sector. According to the data, the total investment in the student property market reached £975m in …