Category: Being a Tenant

Everything You Need to Know Before Becoming a Tenant

Renting a property might seem like less hassle and financial commitment than buying a home, but it isn’t always as simple as finding somewhere you like, moving in and then paying the rent on time. Before you embark on renting a property, here are some of the top considerations that you may not have thought …


Is your Engineer Gas Safe Register?

Almost 2,000 cases of illegal gas work in properties are being investigated by Gas Safe Register across the UK. According to a new study, a third of adults do not check credentials of a professional working on their property’s gas appliances, putting their households at risk of gas leaks, carbon monoxide poisoning, fires and explosions. …


5 Space Saving DIY Jobs to Make the Most Out of a Small Apartment

City apartments are often small, which can lead to a lack of storage, not ideal for renters. To maximise rental potential, ensure that your apartment has space-saving storage solutions that make the most out of what space you do have. Here are 5 DIYs that are easy to do and will help make your apartment …


Home Truths for Personal Well-Being

Most people tend to concentrate on exercise and nutrition when it comes to improving their health, overlooking or not giving enough importance to the living environment. However, new research from the University of Stirling confirms that there is a direct correlation between one’s health and the ability to feel at home. A total of 75 …


Born to Rent

For the first time in living memory a child in the UK is as likely to be born to a family renting as owning a property, according to a new research. Almost half of all babies (49.2%) born across the country (approximately 365,000 a year) are now starting their lives in rented accommodation, with more …


‘Discrimination Baked into Right to Rent’

The Residential Landlords Association (RLA) has branded the Right to Rent scheme a farce after a High Court ruling that the scheme breached the European Convention on Human Rights on the basis it led to discrimination against non-UK nationals with the right to rent and British ethnic minorities. The Right to Rent scheme requires landlords …

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